Posted Wednesday, August 28th, 2019

A GA Drawing stands for General Arrangement Drawing; it is used to communicate the important overall relationship between the main elements of the tank and key dimensions. This drawing acts as a gateway between the designer, in this case, Fuelchief and the customer.

Attached is an example of a GA Drawing with key parts of information highlighted. This drawing will hold all the necessary critical information required by the customer, civil works, installers, carriers, engineers, test certifiers and maintenance.

Shown in this drawing is:

• Tank model
• Tank capacity and safe fill levels
• Tank weight
• Tank dimensions
• Fittings that are included (and any changes to these)
• Any accessories that will be added such as walkways spill containments etc
• Customer specific notes to capture important points that need be captured.

Click to view drawing in larger format

The GA Drawing Process Between Fuelchief and The Client

At Fuelchief these drawings allow us to track revisions made to the tank for each specific job and acts as a sign-off document for how the finished tank is to be configured for the customer, so both parties are clear on expectations. Below is how this is achieved.

1. GA of basic tank model submitted to the customer with a quote

Customer talks to fitters, installers, engineers and necessary parties. From here, the detailed requirements are marked up on the GA drawing; this can be any changes to size, shape, fittings, or accessories of the tank, it can also include any additional information. This initial process can take a few revisions depending on how many parties are involved. The revisions are stated on the bottom left side of the GA Drawing as shown in the picture.

2. Customer signs off drawing and provides a purchase order

The signed GA Drawing is then issued to the Fuelchief design department and meetings between purchasing and production are had to schedule the job.
From sign-off and deposit paid, the general time frame is 8-10 weeks for a welded tank*

From here, an in-depth detailed drawing is completed so the tank can be manufactured. Purchasing and Production will work closely with the in-house Designer to ensure the correct parts are ordered.

*This can vary depending on production schedule, loads and priorities. It is important that there is communication with your Fuelchief representative to ensure complete transparency across timelines.

If you have any questions please contact Fuelchief:


Blog content written by Praneel Lal

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