Posted Tuesday, September 24th, 2019

Not only is choosing the correct tank for purpose important when the storage of fuel is a priority, but the base on which the tank is placed is also an important factor. We have gathered some images from online sources of what can go horribly wrong when this has not been addressed.


Shows the base placement near a creek on a wooden (instead of concrete) base. In this situation the tank could have landed in the creek which could have led to an environmental disaster.



These tanks are inappropriately mounted on concrete blocks. Notice that the tank on the left is leaning. The body of the tank is also barely resting on the blocks. There is no containment with these particular tanks either. Hoses (as you can see in this image) that are left on the ground will deteriorate quickly. The DC Series tanks we stock eliminates this issue with the hoses contained in their own lockable pump cabinet. The DC Series tanks are also double skinned for added production against environmental impact.

At Fuelchief we recommend that tanks are placed on a reinforced concrete pad of an appropriate thickness to carry the weight of the tank at full capacity or stronger if needed for added requirements. We offer certified foundation plans for all of our models and can assist with any one-off requirements to ensure accurate, safe placement and council sign-off.

Although tanks should never be placed on hollow concrete blocks or wood, and in some cases packed stone, we do offer a certified way where a compacted gravel base can be used. In a worst-case scenario, you want to ensure that in the event of spill that the area under and around the tanks is sufficiently impermeable to retain the discharge until prompt clean-up can occur and we can assist with planning and installation of any oil separating system.

At Fuelchief all our tanks are made with a spill containment area within the front pump cabinet compartment to reinforce this point.

If you would like more information on our above ground tank solutions contact Fuelchief today:


Blog article by Praneel Lal