Posted Wednesday, January 26th, 2022


Fuel storage comes in many forms, whether you’re filling up the tank of a car or a truck, or if you are filling a piece of machinery such as a tractor or digger. Chances are you will be pumping this from a bulk fuel storage system.

‘Bulk Fuel’ is usually more than 200L which is stored in a bulk fuel tank, either above ground or underground. This storage system will hold the bulk of the fuel and can range up to 110,000L.

Other ways to store grand scale bulk fuel are terminal fuel tanks (such as pictured below). An oil depot (sometimes called a tank farm, installation or oil terminal) is an industrial facility for the storage of oil and/or petrochemical products, and from which these products are usually transported to end users or further storage facilities. These stock millions or litres of fuel, and usually are supplied for towns. cities and in some cases for countries as well.

What are the Benefits of Bulk Fuel Storage?

Bulk fuel storage is seen as a benefit for a variety of industries. When it comes to fleet operators, heavy machinery companies, forestry companies, the agricultural sector or even higher companies that have a large fleet of vehicles, the cost benefits of having a bulk fuel storage tank allows a quick return on investment and also limits downtime for many industries, along with hourly rated labour costs.


Here are two main reasons why having your own bulk fuel can save you time and money.

Price – This is pretty obvious, but it’s true. Fuel distributors get special pricing from the main fuel companies and through bulk deliveries, and without the overhead of a retail outlet can bring you some very attractive pricing. And just remember, savings in your company goes straight to the bottom line. Also, no more fuel station chocolate bars, coffees, energy drinks and sausage rolls appearing on the monthly bill either.

Labour Savings – Once you get your tank you’ll understand this better but there is some serious time savings in not having to line up for fuel at the service station and sometimes, with two guys in the cab. Sound familiar? Our customers tell us that time savings of approximately 15 minutes per fill per week is achievable. So for a vehicle that is filled twice a week, you save around 20 hours per vehicle each week.

Check out our tank savings calculator to see how much your company could save with it’s own fuel tank onsite: 

Fuelchief DC150 Install image

Fuelchief DC150 15,000L Installed

Each country has strict guidelines when it comes to storing bulk fuel, based on the classification of the fuel and also whether it needs to be secondary contained. Compliance is key when it comes to storing bulk fuel and it is essential that rules and regulations (such as how much fuel you can store and where you can place a tank onsite in relation to buildings) are followed for the safe management of fuel. Fuelchief is able to provide assistance with guiding you towards the correct and applicable legislation when it comes to bulk fuel storage.

If you have any queries regarding the storage of bulk fuel, we are always keen to chat so please reach out to our team here:

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