Posted Monday, February 1st, 2021

University of Canterbury Case Study


The University of Canterbury, located in Christchurch, had an underground fuel tank that was seen as a hazard and unable to be re-certified for use, therefore it needed to be decommissioned and removed. Fuelchief engaged with Petrotec to organise the removal of the underground tank. Once the tank was decommissioned a new one was to take its place tasked with supplying petrol and diesel to the maintenance vehicles at the university.

Fuelchief have been collaborating with the University for many years and was approached to take on this job due the good relationship and products provided in the past. The current tank was in a high traffic area and required a fuel tank that would comply with WorkSafe regulations for petrol storage and also provide a dual fuel storage solution for the client (diesel and petrol); as well as be able to be relocated in the future (for when the ground maintenance division is  moved).


(Picture from Petrotec)

Fuelchief SuperVault for University


After consultation with John at Fuelchief, a SuperVault Rectangular tank was custom made for the job with a dual capacity of 2,500L. Fuelchief elected Petrotec to supply the tank to site and fit it with two pumps and fuel management. A compliant access ladder for easy routine maintenance and inspection was installed, along with a Piusi pumping solution and detailed labelling. The tank was custom painted to suit the environment and as requested by the client.



Fuelchief SuperVault


Fuelchief’s custom SuperVault solution met the University’s purpose and provided the ideal compliant solution. Vehicles and machinery can now be filled accordingly, and the tank can be maintained on a routine basis. The SuperVault comes with a 30 year warranty also which provides extra peace of mind to clients.


Fuelchief SuperVault

360° views of custom SuperVault

360° footage of the custom, dual compartment SuperVault for the University of Christchurch