The Fuelchief disclaimer is applicable to any information on this website or shared on social channels.

Information on this website is produced and owned by Fuelchief, unless otherwise indicated through third party links or sourcing.

Fuelchief is not responsible for the contents or reliability of third party links. Third party links are correct at time of publishing – if you discover broken links please let us know by emailing

Information is designed as a guide to provide general information. It does in no way constitute any legal or legal advice. It is not intended to address specific circumstances of any individual or company. Fuelchief accepts no responsibility or liability as a result of using information published on this site or our social channels.

Material may not be reproduced without prior approval from Fuelchief. Requests for reproduction may be made by emailing the communications department on Fuelchief may request final approvals of content prior to publication and reserve the right to amend changes or revoke previous approvals for content use.

Information is not a substitution for any laws, official guidelines or requirements of your country.