Posted Monday, June 3rd, 2019

Fuelchief joined the Pacific Power Association (PPA) on May 18th 2018. The company joined as Allied Members and have taken part in connecting with members across the network. Denis Dardengo from our APAC Sales and Business Development team will be attending the 28th Annual PPA Conference in Rarotonga this year, which is sure to be a highly successful event. If you would like to meet with him drop by the Fuelchief stand  (number 27) during the event dates (1st-5th July) .

If you would like to schedule a meeting with Denis at the show feel free to do so here in advance to lock in your time: or if you would like to discuss any opportunities or developments in the APAC we are here to help Contact Us (APAC).

28th Annual PPA Conference

This year’s conference will be held at the National Auditorium in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, from 1-5 July 2019. This will be the third time for TAU to host the annual conference. Attendees will be coming from across the Pacific Islands, Australia, Asia, America, Europe and New Zealand to share their skills, knowledge and network for greater understanding of our developing and constantly changing industry.

To find out more about the conference feel free to click here:

Here is a picture of Denis Dardengo, our BDM, at the show. To see all our event pictures visit our Fuelchief Facebook page.

Blog article by Praneel Lal