When you’re buying fire-rated tanks/ tanks that need to go into buildings or intense climates, insist on SwRI 95-03 certified tanks, why, because you can rest assured that you are purchasing the most durable and resilient tank on the market.
If the tank is compliant with SwRI 95-03 and there is damage done to the tank, (whether it is fire, impact or other) it can be repaired and re-used. Unlike other tanks which would need to be completely replaced.
It sure is! The SwRI 95-03, 4-hour fire test involves an additional 2-hour fire exposure test using the same, fully assembled test tank for all tests.
If it is a SuperVault tank it will have the Fuelchief SuperVault logo which looks like this:
It will have a stainless-steel certification signage provided by Fuelchief (in silver) and it will have a gold and black plate with a unique number allocated by the Southwest Research Institute for the SuperVault tank.
Here is a series of our tanks that are out in New Zealand and Australia with certification evident.
Therefore, you are not only getting a highly compliant and environmentally safe tank, but you are getting value for money along with a 30-year warranty provided by Fuelchief on any of our SuperVault range.
The SwRI 95-03 has also been specifically written into WorkSafe regulations for Safe Work Instrument and specified for tanks, click here to read the regulations: http://legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2017/0131/latest/DLM7309406.html
To find out more about our SuperVault tanks visit: https://supervaulttanks.com/product/fuel-storage/supervault-mh-fuel-tank/
Or contact one of our team sales@fuelchieftanks.com
Blog article by Praneel Lal